What We Do
Just as a cocktail is intended to be greater than the sum of its individual parts, our collective is being built to enable an impact greater than any individual brand can achieve on its own.
Coquetel Collective was crafted to enable more effective brand representation alongside more efficient spend, to help brands grow in a meaningful and sustainable way.
Together, we are able to pool resources and relationships to power larger activations, complementary cocktail placements, and stronger distributor relationships, while requiring less capital of our partner brands.
We take the time to understand and act-on your specific strategic goals, and can create a plan custom to your needs. The Coquetel team is here to help you build your brand in a holistic way through education, account outreach, and on-site activations.
Package 1
New Points of Distribution
> 40 account touches
follow ups
Distributor Engagement
spot appointments
reporting & communication
general sales meetings/trainings
Account Management
staff trainings
account support
bar labs
Package 2
Market Management
> 40 account touches
follow ups
Distributor Managerment
spot appointments
reporting & communication
general sales meetings/trainings
planning & strategy calls
inventory tracking
Account Management
staff trainings
account support
bar labs
Brand Management
monthly market recaps
expense reports
quarterly check ins